Frequently Asked Questions


  • We don’t do hormone testing at Nourish Longevity. That is something that should be given by your Doctor. If you decide you want to do testing, you can go through your GP, Specialist or Naturopath. At NL we look at Symptomatology, goals, current health status and lifestyle habits. From there we can put together a personalized Self-care plan that will support heathy, natural aging and guides you to your goals.

  • We do not sell supplements or food. We prefer to avoid this due to the fact each person will require something different. This will inevitably require us to use different brands. Our aim is to use food first and supplement if needed.

  • A CES works on improving movement by assessing an individuals movement patterns. Carmen has the knowledge to help someone who is experiencing discomfort with certain exercises. Corrective Exercise can help women through menopause by helping them alleviate joint and muscle pain. This is done by improving motor control, trunk and hip stability.

  • This isn't what you may think. Most think it's about Weight loss but it's actually about positive psychology. It has allowed Carmen to help clients create long term change with a skill called motivational interviewing. This helps clients feel motivated, supported and gives them autonomy to help them be consistent.

  • After talking to hundreds of women, the biggest concern they have is lack of support and knowledge about Menopause. There is no support right now that helps women through this time of life besides medicine. Menopause is not an illness or disease. It's a phase in the aging process like puberty and reproduction. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Registered Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Transformation Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist, Carmen has the knowledge, experience and tools to help women get through Menopause Transition whether they are using HRT or not. Our health is compromised with the loss of estrogen, we can support it with nutrition, exercise and lifestyle habits. This is what Nourish Longevity can do for women in Menopause.

  • I like women to walk away with something. I want them to have a self-care blueprint that gives them an overview on what will be needed to achieve their goals. This gets them thinking and prepares them to take action. Of course if you have questions we can communicate through email or do a quick 10 minute call. Click here to contact Carmen

  • This is an individual thing. Every women should have the right to make their own choices without feeling pressured or guilty. Most women feel pressured to take HRT because they are told their health relies on it or that it will get rid of all their symptoms. This isn't necessarily true. There are risks and it doesn't have the same effect for all women. But it can be beneficial to women who have extreme symptoms or some health concerns. Just like anything else, this is up to the individual on whether they want to take it. You should also avoid it if you have certain health concerns that could be made worse. That being said, some women can't take it. So where does that leave those women? Carmen is here to help women like this or make sure those taking it, still support their health.